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"Molecular gastronomy in European Perspective" is an interdisciplinary project.
There are two main contexts of the project: scientific and socio-cultural. As far as the former, molecular gastronomy is a subdiscipline of food science that takes advantage of many innovations from the scientific disciplines. Our main purpose is to teach children science- physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics by showing them utility of those subjects. 
When it comes to the latter, all this process of learning and teaching takes into account the socio-cultural aspect of partner countries' diversity.


Our main objectives are as follows:
- increasing practical skills and competences in science subjects;
- increasing a practical approach to learning science subjects;
- improving quality of teaching science subjects;
- increasing the ability to use theory in practice;
- raising and increasing the awareness of learning science subjects;
- creating new science subject teaching practice to use in the science subject curriculum;
- raising and increasing cultural openness and tolerance;
- increasing practical skills and competences in ICT;
- increasing transversal skills;
- increasing critical thinking skills.


As far as the issue of the project impact is concerned, participants are going to:
- develop their practical skills and competences in science subjects;
- be more aware of significance of learning science subjects;
- be more motivated to learn science subject;
- understand practical aspect of learning;
- overcome the foreign language (English) barrier;
- be able to take advantage of theoretical knowledge in practical, real life situations;
- gain new experience and become more self-confident;
- become more tolerant and open to new cultures, traditions, customs;
- gain IT knowledge and use it in practice - creation and maintenance of a web page and blog;
- apply ICT skills and competence in various socio-cultural contexts and situations;
- be able to think critically;
- make international friends;
- increase the feeling of being a European Union citizen.

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